440 Victoria Ave. North

440 Victoria Street North is an 18.87-acre industrial property well located 2.5 km north of Hamilton’s downtown core, 1.5 km south of Hamilton Harbour, 2.3 km to the CN rail railyard, and 7 km to the Queen Elizabeth Way. The property is zoned for a variety of industrial, light industrial, and commercial uses, providing strategic flexibility for Harlo and its partner. The development contemplates approximately 438,000 sf of Gross Floor Area, split between self-storage and for-sale & for-lease industrial space. In Q4 2023, construction began at the site on a self-storage and large-bay industrial building.

Completion: Q2 2025
Acres: 18.87 acres
GFA: 437,776 SF
© 2021 Harlo Capital
T: (416) 551-7115